Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Why Blog?

Why blog? Good question. Maybe a little more information about me would be helpful.

I am a glass-half-full (sometimes glass-overflowing) type woman currently living in Frankfurt, Germany with my husband, two teenage sons and an eight-year-old German Shepherd. We will finish out our 3-year tour this summer and we'll head back to our house in the states. We look forward to living in America again, but for now we will continue to enjoy our European adventure. So much to do. So much to see.

Living in different countries and climates (political and weather) has given me life lessons and experiences I would not trade for anything. Seeing the sights, eating the food, doing the 'whatever' has been great. Scuba diving in the South China Sea - loved it! Galapagos Island cruise - spectacular! Skiing in the Austrian alps - breathtaking! But what I cherish most is the people I can call friends. Whether they be my blood relative, someone I met in the third grade, or someone I met last week: it's the evolving relationships that I treasure and learn from.

Ups and downs, highs and lows. We all have them. So why not share them with your friends? It usually helps. Thrilled about a new relationship or a great sale online that includes free shipping? Share it with your friends. Did you try a new restaurant or enjoy a new kitchen product? Share it. Maybe the information you have will make my life easier. Maybe I'll be able to tell you something that will save you some time. Oh, and don't just share the positive stuff. Share what's bothering you, as well. It's possible that someone out there has had a similar experience and they could offer advice.

We all know that great relationships go beyond sales and restaurants. Great relationships offer you the freedom to be you with someone who appreciates that. So here, on my blog, I'd like to encourage you to be you - share your ideas, your advice, your knowledge.....your whatever. But most of all, I'd like to encourage you all to MAKE EVERY DAY A SNOW DAY!

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